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Research, Education and Advocacy

There are many issues concerning threatened and endangered species in the San Luis Valley.


Below we offer information and links to pertinent information regarding a sampling of animals of current concern.

  1. ​

  2. Gunnison Sage Grouse 

  3. Black-footed ferret    

  4. Rio Grande greenback cutthroat trout

  5. Southwestern Willow Flycatcher & Yellow- Billed Cuckoo 

  6. Canada lynx


For a look at all T & E species go to this site.

Gunnison Sage Grouse
Centrocercus minimus
Black-footed ferret
Mustela nigripes
Rio Grande greenback cutthroat trout
Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher & Yellow- Billed Cuckoo
Empidonax traillii & Coccyzus americanus
Canada lynx
Lynx canadensis
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