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Research, Education and Advocacy

Water quality is quickly becoming one of the most pressing planet-wide environmental concerns of the 21st century.  Life depends on it, and yet access to clean water is growing increasingly difficult.  The New York Times, in a five-part series titled “Toxic Waters” outlined many of the problems:  from over-flowing and aging sewer systems, to toxic waste from industry; from agricultural run-off to chemical contamination.  Colorado has its own share of problems, stemming from unprecedented population growth and large-scale oil and gas development over the past decade.  (See “Colorado Waters Under Pressure.”)


Read the In-Depth article on SLVEC's Water Quality here

Latest Project News

Free Water Quality Testing!

How is the quality of your household drinking well water? As drought increases in the San Luis Valley, the concentration of the pollutants in drinking water can increase. Free water quality testing is available for people with household drinking water wells in the San Luis Valley. Test your well to ensure your water is safe to drink.

Your Water Quality Toolkit Resources


Here you'll find background information, methods of water testing and testing labs as well as results of extensive well monitoring conducted in the SLV with the assistance of SLVEC.



Local Testing Laboratory

Serving the San Luis Valley - Sangre de Cristo Lab, 2329 Lava Lane, Alamosa, CO, 81101  Phone 719-589-1024


Protecting your Private Well

CSU Extension Publication in downloadable PDF format


LEAP HIGH Pamphlet on Water Quality

 SLVEC Publication

Water Quality Resource Documents Downloads

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